Proverbs about water from Italy
- "Essere tra Scilla e Cariddi"
To be between the devil and the deep blue water
- "Essere un’acqua cheta"
To be a sly one
- "All’acqua di rose"
Milk and water or Lukewarm
- "Gettare acqua sul fuoco"
Pour oil on troubled waters
- "Molta acqua è passata sotto i ponti"
A lot of water has passed under the bridge
- "Pestare acqua nel mortaio"
To talk to deaf ears
- "Portare acqua al proprio mulino"
To act in one’s own interest
- "Scoprire l’acqua calda"
To discover nothing new
- "Somigliarsi come due gocce d’acqua"
To be as like as two peas
- "L’acqua va al mare or Piove dove è bagnato"
Money goes where money is
- "Fare acqua"
To be in trouble
- "Avere l’acqua alla gola" To be in deep water
- "Il sangue non è acqua"
Blood is thicker than water
- "Essere come un pesce fuor d’acqua"
To be like a fish out of water
(A work of the Italian school from Carini)
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