Our official web site and a farewell
All our material collected and published can be found in the address:
http://8lyk-ioann.ioa.sch.gr/bpp/ or
http://theblueplanetproject.50webs.com/ (mirror site)
Our project have been implemented successfully. This is the end of our project. But our friendship built all these years keeps on! We hope we 'll meet again in the future. Good luck to all!
Stergios Nastopoulos, Angela Stoukidou, Maria Tsougla, Maria Andreadaki, Martha Pappa, Georgia Tamvakou, Eugenia Benekou, Eleni Roidi, Ekaterini Santamouri and Panos Giakis (School Headmaster) from the Greek team.
Anna Maria Bevacqua, Anna Taddeo, Giovanna Di Lemma, Maria Paola Ribaudo, Cuccio C., Ganci V., Demma G., Mulè E., Perricone B., Fogazza L., Spatafora T., Tulumello C., Guido Gambino and Antonino Ricobonno (School Headmasters) from the Italian team.
Ana Vorovenci (School Headmaster), Maria Vlaicu, Domnica Pestritu, Ion Radescu and Nicolae Popescu from the Romanian team of Rucar.
Marius Cocut and Gabriela Irimia from the Romanian School from Neamt.
Erik Ordell, Jeanina Karrstrom (School headmaster), Lars Sandgren, Jenny Hermansson, Margit Karlsson, Anette Schreiber, Christina Granqvist, Ulla Carin Dahl-Rolfö and Lars Kristensson from the Swedish team.
http://8lyk-ioann.ioa.sch.gr/bpp/ or
http://theblueplanetproject.50webs.com/ (mirror site)
Our project have been implemented successfully. This is the end of our project. But our friendship built all these years keeps on! We hope we 'll meet again in the future. Good luck to all!
Stergios Nastopoulos, Angela Stoukidou, Maria Tsougla, Maria Andreadaki, Martha Pappa, Georgia Tamvakou, Eugenia Benekou, Eleni Roidi, Ekaterini Santamouri and Panos Giakis (School Headmaster) from the Greek team.
Anna Maria Bevacqua, Anna Taddeo, Giovanna Di Lemma, Maria Paola Ribaudo, Cuccio C., Ganci V., Demma G., Mulè E., Perricone B., Fogazza L., Spatafora T., Tulumello C., Guido Gambino and Antonino Ricobonno (School Headmasters) from the Italian team.
Ana Vorovenci (School Headmaster), Maria Vlaicu, Domnica Pestritu, Ion Radescu and Nicolae Popescu from the Romanian team of Rucar.
Marius Cocut and Gabriela Irimia from the Romanian School from Neamt.
Erik Ordell, Jeanina Karrstrom (School headmaster), Lars Sandgren, Jenny Hermansson, Margit Karlsson, Anette Schreiber, Christina Granqvist, Ulla Carin Dahl-Rolfö and Lars Kristensson from the Swedish team.
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