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- The official site of the Socrates National Agency in Italy (in Italian}
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- Greek Biotope/Wetland Centre
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- the Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association (HELMEPA)
- Global Water Partnership
- Greek coasts
- Water, Water Everywhere ...
- Aquamania:The mineral water
- Water game by UNICEF
- Bridges in Europe
- Water Cycle Student Activity
- Educating Young People About Water
- Freshwater Website - Environment Canada
- The Global Water Sampling Project
- Treasures@Sea
- The World's Water
- Watershed blues page
- Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security
- Physical Properties of Water
- Environmental Educational Center Of Konitsa
- Volvo Adventure - Environmental On-line Web Project
- Water Challenge
- Water Science for Schools: Water properties, water measurements>
- EEK! - Our Earth - Water Wonders
- Earth Obesrvatory Library: The Water Cycle from NASA
- Educational look at the Hydrologic Cycle or Water Cycle
- Matter Cycles: The Water Cycle:Shockwave animations
- The Story of Water: A beautiful site for kids
- Water: A Never-Ending Story
- Water cycle diagram available in 30+ languages
- Fun facts about the water cycle and weather
- Water Cycle: Interactive landscape
- Tsunami Wave Simulator
- The international eJournal of the Vihti Upper Secondary School
- L' eau, La vie... (in French)
- Encyclopedia Mythica: mythology, folklore, and religion
- Flood Stories from Around the World
- Greek Mythology
- Norse mythology
- Greek vs. Norse Mythology
- Timeless Myths: Celtic Mythology
- The Nymphs in Greek Myths
Previous Posts
- Paradoxes and puzzles
- Italian experience from Romania
- "In memoriam" of the lost sailors. Brunno Island o...
- Gothenburg harbour, Sweden. Photo by Mr. Panayioti...
- The Greek Ancient Myths
- Water- Old Romanian Religious And Mythological Symbol
- Proverbs about water from Italy"Essere tra Scilla ...
- Water in posters
- Water dictionary (English-Greek-Italian-Romanian-S...
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