Romanian Proverbs And Sayings
Dupa furtuna vine si vreme buna !
After a storm comes a calm!- Daca nu e ploaie fie si ninsoare !
If thou has not a capon,feed on an onion. - Cand seaca apa se cunoaste pretul fantanii
We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. - Apa trece, pietrele raman
Streams go,rocks remain. - Sangele apa nu se face.
Bold is thicker than water. - Apa,vantul si gura lumii nu pot fi oprite.
The water,the wind and people’s tougue cannot be stopped. - Apele mici fac raurile mari.
Little springs make great rivers. - Apa statatoare e des inselatoare.
Still waters run deep
and - A fi o apa si-un pamant = to be alike;
- A nu avea nici dupa ce bea apa =to be starving;
- A cadea din lac in put=He is gotten aut of the myre an is fallen into the river;
- A da cuiva apa la moara = to drow water into smb’s mill
This is a work of the Romanian school from Rucar)
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