The Dambovicioara Cave
THE DAMBOVICIOARA CAVE is situated along the Dambovicioara River, in the charstic area of the Rucar – Bran mountain path. Water has been carving it for millions of years in the limestone of the Piatra Craiului Mountains (The Prince Rock Mountains).
The cave was first mentioned in 1767. It has 2 galleries: a short one of 20 m, to the left, and a 100 m gallery to the right.
Following the short gallery, one may notice the strawberry shape stalactite. The legend says that the cave was a hermit’s shelter long time ago. Visitors may admire the three columns – the hermit altar. Next to it there are the table and the chairs used by the hermit.
The 100 m gallery has its own legend too. During the World War I, the gallery was the dwelling of two outlaws: Fulga and Budac. They robbed the rich people on the way or the visitors of the cave. One day, two policemen disguised as tourists, came to the cave and trapped the two outlaws. Fulga was killed. As for Budac, he was captured and imprisoned.
The gallery is full of “exhibits” carved by the water in the mountain rock: the hermit’s armchair and his books on the self; a snake head, a pistol, or a bear paw.
The gallery becomes very narrow on its last 15 m. and the tourists may walk it in Indian file.
The cave is 369 m long, but the tourists are allowed to visit only the two galleries mentioned above
Ochi Andreea, 17 years old
Grupul Scolar Forestier-Rucar-Romania
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